The Avatar Editionavatar av-uh-tahr’ —noun 1. A graphical image that represents an individual 2. A symbolic image that represents an idea, an attitude, or a view of life If God had an avatar, what would it look like? The ancient Greeks and Romans would have said, "Which God?" Jews, Christians, and Muslims would have chimed, "There's only one—and you can't capture his image in an avatar." Since ancient times, people have passed down stories to show how the God of Creation connects with humanity. Those stories that came to be known as Scripture reveal a complex character—one God with many qualities or attributes. For centuries these stories have captivated hearts and minds, not only because of what they reveal about God, but also what they reveal about human nature, about us. No wonder these stories are so compelling: We catch a glimpse of ourselves in these characters. The drama unfolds from the moment Adam and Eve step on stage. Tension builds when we realize that the leading lady faces a choice . . . and that choice will have consequences. The creatures made in God's image are exiled to a post-Eden world, taking us with them. Choices abound. Some choices leave us feeling good; other choices stir up anxiety. Scripture works like a moral compass, its stories illustrating that our everyday choices pull us in opposite directions—choices that please God versus choices that grieve God. Picture those choices as avatars. The Avatar Edition of The Bible Clicks is an interactive through-the-Bible series that challenges teens, tweens, and families to find clues that answer these two questions: 1) What is God like? 2) What character choices did people make? Your web-book journey takes you from Genesis through Revelation in 365 timeless stories, using these three portals: Portal 1: 179 stories from the Tanakh (Old Testament) Portal 2: 114 stories from the Gospels Portal 3: 72 stories from Acts through Revelation Now imagine the characters as they take center stage in God's theater, and brace yourself for a time-travel adventure. Click below, and let the journey begin. . . . |