The Bible Clicks, Avatar Edition, Part 3
Stories of Faith, Hope, and Love from Acts to RevelationThe book of Acts displays the followers of Jesus carrying on the work he began. Dramatic stories unfold as we see evidence of what Jesus promised: "You will do the same works I did, and even greater ones, because I will be working through you by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Letters were written and circulated to the church bodies in Asia Minor and beyond to encourage believers who were about to face extremely difficult tests of their faith. That's the setting for the book of Revelation, an apocalyptic type of writing, filled with symbolic images. It gives us snapshots of the early Church and hints at what they are about to encounter. It also gives us a glimpse into heaven, the drama unfolding in that spiritual realm and how that relates to life here on earth. Click links below to read sample stories (indicated in bold print) from Part 3: |