Lent 2025 Devotional: The Life of Jesus
Stories of Faith, Hope, and Love for All AgesThe first four books of the New Testament are referred to as "The Gospels," the good news of how God came down to man in the form of Jesus. For the season of Lent, The Bible Clicks chronicles those accounts in 99 five-minute stories that recreate the life of Jesus and his teachings.
The Gospel stories captivate us not only because of what they reveal about Jesus, but also what they reveal about us. We catch a glimpse of ourselves in these characters who encounter God through the Person of Jesus. For Lent 2025, we invite you to journey with Jesus, via The Bible Clicks, Book Two. Enjoy the journey! Click the links below (story titles or pictures) to travel with Jesus this Lenten season. |
Ash Wednesday, March 5 Unexpected Blessings
Child of Destiny Message from Heaven What the late-in-life child and out-of-wedlock baby have in common—both are gifts from God, born with a purpose. |
Thursday, March 6 When God Speaks
Born with a Mission God Speaks in a Dream In solitude, Augustine heard a child’s voice beckoning him into the Scriptures, “Take and read. Take and read.” God still speaks to those who seek him. |
Friday, March 7 A Divine Appointment
Good News for the Whole World A Baby Unlike Any Other “There is no such thing as a coincidence.” Gibb’s Rule #39, NCIS |
Saturday, March 8 The Dilemma of Dreams
The Magi Escape to Egypt While most dreams result from (in the words of Scrooge), “simply a bit of undigested beef,” some are providential, sent by God. |
Sunday, March 9 Dealing with an Independent Child
Jesus Is Missing Preparing People for Jesus Directions for guiding mavericks: Their potential is enormous—handle with prayer. |
Monday, March 10 Leading by Example
Pointing to Jesus Tempted by Satan Good teachers and great parents both realize, “More is caught than taught.” |
Tuesday, March 11 Persistence Pays Off
Philip and Nathaniel The First Miracle In the wings of every great drama is a faithful person, advocating on behalf of others. |
Wednesday, March 12 Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
Traveling in Secret Healing at the Pool Just when you learn to manage the status quo, you realize, “Life holds so much more . . .” |
Thursday, March 13 What Will People Think?
A Visit by Night If You Only Knew . . . When the religious and the reprobate meet Jesus, one hopes no one will see them, while the other races to bring back everyone. |
Friday, March 14 Desperate or Determined?
Another Miracle Fishing for Men There are those who need God, and those who don’t—until they know they do. |
Saturday, March 15 Those Who Are Written Off
Driving Out Demons and Diseases Rejected by Men “You’ll never amount to anything,” said the Bible College president to the freshman who announced he would transfer. And so began the journey of Billy Graham. |
Sunday, March 16 The JOY Principle
Healing the Leper and the Lame The Dinner Party Putting priorities in the right order comes easy for children—and for adults who still hear those lyrics: “Jesus, and Others, and You . . . What a wonderful way to spell JOY!” |
Monday, March 17 True Confessions
Levi Follows Jesus The Lost Son In his autobiography, Confessions, Augustine revealed inner struggles that capture the plight of all honest souls: “Our hearts are restless, till they find their rest in You.” |
Tuesday, March 18 Winners and Losers
A Shrewd Manager Lazarus and the Rich Man While life may look like a checkerboard, it is really a game of chess. |
Wednesday, March 19 Prayer Is the Key
Jesus Chooses Twelve 'Teach Us to Pray’ If the Son of God needed to rely on prayer, how much more should we? |
Thursday, March 20 Some Sage Advice
The Be Attitudes Wisdom for Living Character is who you are when no one is looking. |
Friday, March 21 Leading from the Head and the Heart
Five Warnings The Servant and the Son At times religion makes life complicated, but faith is designed to be simple. |
Saturday, March 22 Exposing Counterfeit Faith
Lord of the Sabbath The Worst Sin of All "Mercy triumphs over judgment."—James 2:13 |
Sunday, March 23 Watch Out for the Weeds
Parable of the Sower Parable of the Weeds Everyone owns a garden. What’s growing in yours? |
Monday, March 24 Setting Captives Free
Don’t Look Back A Legion of Demons Spiritual commitment is like dieting: “I’ll start tomorrow.” |
Tuesday, March 25 According to Your Faith
A Father’s Plea and a Woman’s Faith The Secret No One Can Keep Faith reaches with open arms. |
Wednesday, March 26 Faith Tried and Tested
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Doubts About Jesus Every journey of faith passes through a tunnel, a dark night of the soul. |
Thursday, March 27 The Ultimate Sacrifice
The Dance that Leads to Death Appointed by Jesus "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose.” —Jim Elliott, from the book and movie, Through Gates of Splendor |
Friday, March 28 God Prefers Duets
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Walking on Water God uses what we have to offer—what the boy held in his hands, what a man held in his heart. |
Saturday, March 29 An Appealing Faith
The Bread of Life Faith Rewarded Some demand a meal ticket; others desire to meet the Chef. |
Sunday, March 30 Touched by God
They Still Don’t Understand What the Blind Can See God multiplies what you give and gives what you need. |
Monday, March 31 An Identity Crisis
Peter Knows A Spectacular Surprise Given his claim to divinity, Jesus cannot be called “a good man." He was either a liar, a lunatic, or who he claimed to be—Lord. (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity) |
Tuesday, April 1 Bridging the Great Divide
The Boy with the Evil Spirit When It’s Hard to Forgive Faith and forgiveness rest on the same foundation: “I believe” and “I forgive” are both followed by “inasmuch as I can, Lord . . . so help me the rest of the way.” |
Wednesday, April 2 The Good, the Bad, and the Undecided
The Leper Who Came Back Who Is That Man? Those who seek God will find him, and those who find him will worship. |
Thursday, April 3 Bullies in the Pulpit
He Talks Like He’s God Blind Since Birth, Blind No More “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” |
Friday, April 4 The Voice Within
Jesus the Good Shepherd Time to Make a Choice “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”—John 10:27 |
Saturday, April 5 A Divine Disappointment
The Rich Young Ruler Death of a Friend When you “didn’t see that one coming,” remember, the race is not over: God can use anything for his glory. |
Sunday, April 6 Resurrecting Hope
The Greatest Miracle No Stopping Him Now Death is our final appointment, but not our final destiny. |
Monday, April 7 Through the Eyes of Faith
Asking the Wrong Question The Blind Beggar Jesus offers his cup to those who have faith to receive it. |
Tuesday, April 8 Recognizing Jesus for Who He Is
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector A King’s Entry When we embrace Jesus as king of our heart, the whole world looks different. |
Wednesday, April 9 Turning the Tables on Them
Defending the House of God Jesus Answers with a Question The greatest roadblocks to faith are always manmade. |
Thursday, April 10 Planning the Hit
Parable of the Tenants Trying to Trap Jesus Those who spin a web of deceit are the first to step in it. |
Friday, April 11 Who Cares?
The Greatest Commandment They Watch in Silence On the stage of life, actions speak louder than words, and God is always in the audience. |
Saturday, April 12 Peeking into the Future
Signs of End Times Taken by Surprise When truth is thrown to the ground, even people of faith can be pawns of deception. |
Sunday, April 13 Caught Off Guard
Parable of the Ten Virgins The Sheep and the Goats Those guided by compassion will be graced with God’s mercy. |
Monday, April 14 Dangerous Promptings
Blessing and Betrayal Preparing for Passover The Last Supper A conscience seared by willful sin gives the devil an opportunity. |
Tuesday, April 15 Greatest Temptation
A Startling Prediction He Prayed for Us Garden of Agony “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” from the BIG one—losing faith in God. |
Wednesday, April 16 A Lonely Destiny
The Kiss of Death Before the Cock Crows On Trial As the Prophets Predicted “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”—Ephesians 6:12 |
Thursday, April 17 What Will You Do with Jesus?
Standing Before Pilate Pilate the Politician Pilate’s Dilemma “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body; rather, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.”—Matthew 10:28 |
Friday, April 18 Paid in Full
King on a Cross ‘It Is Finished’ “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”—John 15:13 |
Saturday, April 19 The Empty Tomb
He Arose! Mary and ‘the Gardener’ Jesus lets himself be found by those who earnestly seek him. |
Easter Sunday, April 20 In Our Midst
On the Road to Emmaus The Surprise Visit He has risen, he has risen indeed! This story is not the end. . . . It's just the beginning. Pursue the journey via books, e-books, and audiobooks! |